02 October 2022

Busog Meal | Breakfast Combo

Breakfast meals is a rare thing as something being sold as an instant meal, but 7 Eleven continue to pull punches and experiment trying new things that can be as they say “convenient” to have. With their Busog Meal range it was just the basic Filipino lunch meal that they continue to produce and adding a breakfast meal makes sense.

They already have the breakfast omelette, but never a combo that features three viands with a rice. They’ve already have this for a while, but rarely everyone would even grab it for lunch as most in their minds this is ‘only for breakfast’ when you can also have it as a lunch meal as an alternative to not just be hindered in thinking this is only good to have in the morning.

Breakfast combos have been a staple morning meal in the Philippines and having a heavy meal is one of the first important thing to have to start your day. But sometimes not everyone have breakfast as their first meal of the day, but usually lunch time is the most time you got to have a heavy meal.

Breakfast for Lunch

The Breakfast combo is not limited to only have in the morning, but a good alternative to enjoy during lunch time. It is the only combo meal from 7 Eleven that has a burger patty, sisig, and omelette. If that wasn’t heavy enough it has rice included to really sink your teeth in on this

There’s not much to say other than it is quite one of the unnoticed meals that 7 Eleven has that needs to be taken notice not limited to having “breakfast” as the product’s headline to have this meal being passed on

Triple Lunch Treat

You got two burger patties, omellete, and sisig, which in detail is 20% part of the contents next top 25% of rice. Though it might look a bit dry, but once it gets heated using a microwave oven the meal comes alive ready to serve your hunger.

Though there’s no premium version of this, but good enough to have also for most workaholic individuals out there. The omellete may look basic it helps balance the meaty contents like the sisig and burger patty to fully appreciate the meal.

Overall it is the most basic combination of viands with rice that makes this unique to others having only two viands or even one. You may not notice this among the dishes 7 Eleven offers, but if you look hard it will definitely stand out on their shelf space.

  • Food Quality: 4 out of 5
  • Affordability: B+
  • Overall: To get most of the burger patties you need gravy for ₱ 5.00 pesos to make an instant burger steak.

Breakfast Combo | Retailed at: ₱ 79.00 Pesos [$ 2.10 AUD | $ 1.34 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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