09 October 2022

7 Eleven Fresh | K-Style Garlic Cream Cheese Bun

There are pastries, and majority of them is superbly underrated due to the way culture and people choose what they think will make them ‘full’ instead of appreciating the plethora of food that has been put out there. But that’s about the Filipino society is not how to enjoy it is how you fill your ‘hunger’ no matter what it takes to survive.

In that in mind you tend to forget how to appreciate those tiny little things, and despite that kind of mentality 7 Eleven manage to come up with interesting things the general public don’t notice that can still be as enjoyable than filling up once hunger. Their K-Style Snacks of bread and sandwich is one of those rare occasions to produce food based or inspired from another country like Korea.

The Cheese bread or bun is a popular snack or breakfast in South America and other Latin countries. But knowing countries like Korea or even Japan one ups the concept into their own creation as if majority of Filipinos aren’t familiar with the way it is known as a Garlic Cream Cheese Bun.

7 Eleven brings it to their local stores this popular Korean snack under their K-Style range inspired from that country that included the Egg Drop Sandwich previously featured. This one is more affordable in comparison that you might want to try it out as all K-Style snacks might be limited time only.

Buns of Cheese

Packaged in a sealed bag you see the product image, and details at the back including nutrition rating and other related things about this sandwich. Interesting enough you don’t see the cheese oozing out before you heat it up in the microwave.

You already see that the bread is already pre-sliced, and all you need is put it on heat and you got yourself an afternoon snack Korean-style. It can also go as a dessert and that’s what’s good about these little snacks local consumers don’t notice when they enter 7 Eleven and immediately try to find that affordable heavy meal.

Creamy Inside

They say picture say more than a thousand words, but when you see the actual product it is either you don’t expect anything or you hoped it would be like the product photo on the bag. But interesting enough you also hope the cream cheese is there but finds out it was somewhere else.

It was actually in the bottom, which is not as surprised it is how they (7 Eleven) prepared it. There’s no oozing cheese coming out on those pre-sliced parts of the bread, but it was definitely there once you take a bite.

Overall not overrated but if you think of a lite snack you might want to try this Garlic Cream Cheese Bun for good time sake, and it is definitely affordable too just for a quick bite to go out about your day.

  • Food Quality: 4 out of 5
  • Affordability: B+
  • Overall: Its soft bun and creamy filling inside was just right.

K-Style Garlic Cream Cheese Bun | Retailed at: ₱ 49.00 Pesos [$ 1.42 AUD | $ 0.83 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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