05 October 2022

7 Eleven Fresh | Bacon with Egg

It has been a while having an actual breakfast or is it a tail end of the hour? Because this would be considered “Brunch” as it’s the bottom half hour of 10 AM and mostly everyone would have an early meal to be ahead of schedule for what’s going to be happening in the next few hours since the hours has been short in the ‘Ber Months.’

With that in mind, 7 Eleven Fresh offers a few breakfast meals and one of them is Bacon with Egg. It’s not what you would expect to be aesthetically what you wanted in the product photo (more of that below), but it does serve you a quick meal when you want to start the day early and would be continuing work during the lunch house just to keep up with the schedule during the shorted days.

Breakfast is the thing that everyone would start the day right or even have a heavy load of carbs as the usual Filipino culture does. 7 Eleven has offered some of the dishes under their breakfast menu, which is usually gone from their shelves before lunch time as they have some interesting common meals that are affordable.

Mostly, the familiarity of the meals are based on the colour and style of packaging as most would be easily identified as part of each theme. For example, the select few 7 Eleven Fresh meals are packed in a microwaveable white box with details on the side and the tops of the box that gives you directions also how many minutes you need to heat it as well as the product image.

Filipino Breakfast

Like most local breakfast, the usual Filipino meal will always have rice in them and this one has ‘fried’ rice cooked from day old or leftovers from dinner that was kept in fridge. They are fried using salt and garlic on a pan with little bit of oil as to make them like what you see as the most common fried rice for breakfast.

Of course, you need an egg to compliment the meal and the main viand with Bacon as this was the name of the dish in the box. When you opened the box you’ll see how the Bacon is divided from the rice and the well-rounded egg.

Two Strips and a Half

The fried rice was just fine as for the egg, understandably was not ‘shiny’ as you’d hope to be fresh when this product has been delivered to the store as new stock past midnight and has been sitting on the shelf since its delivery. Not counting the days it was produced in their factory and put on the delivery truck including the amount of time it travelled.

But the Bacon was the main star of this meal, and it did not disappoint as well as keeping the ‘budget cost’ to be affordable below the premium range is made of two long strips while a third strip was half of the ones included. Not to mention that the strips were stuck together giving you the perspective that the bacon was thick.

Overall not to hope for a ‘instagram-able’ meal, but it does deliver as a quick breakfast dish to go through the day if you are very much on a tight schedule and no time to have lunch to make it at work. The egg included was not palpable the same way the fried rice due to storage, but the bacon brought it for the reason it’s sold out.

  • Food Quality: 4 out of 5
  • Affordability: A
  • Overall: Bacon brings it on in this meal, the rice and egg are just fine.

Breakfast: Bacon with Egg | Retailed at: ₱ 69.00 Pesos [$ 1.81 AUD | $ 1.18 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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