11 October 2022

7 Eleven Fresh | Chicken Tocino

Breakfast is considered the best start for the day. It is either a heavy or lite meal, which depends on your preference or diet. Most don’t take breakfast and follows a strict regimen to be in shape or based on their GP’s (General Practitioner) advice to keep their weight on. But there are a majority to start with a brekky for the day.

With 7 Eleven they have offered a plethora of Breakfast Meals, that you might have missed it if you’re not a morning individual. It is often comes unnoticed to a majority also due to that many Filipinos really like to start with a breakfast meal. They’re mostly Filipino breakfast that has been a staple that can be even a good meal during lunch time if you’ve seen one of those still on their shelf.

When you talk about breakfast most come to mind is Bacon and Egg, which is the most popular one to have, and 7 Eleven have that too in which has been immediately sold out if you only passed by their store before lunch time.

There are other breakfast meals, and the Tocino is a popular dish that is a “Spanish Bacon” typically made from pork belly and often made in cubes. But this convenient store likes to experiment and come up with their version of their Tocino.

Chicken Bacon

There’s Pork Tocino and 7 Eleven have the Chicken Tocino. You don’t see that in other competing convenient stores, but they’re the ones expanding their horizons with their take on a Tocino, which has become part of the country’s culture.

Like the Bacon and Egg breakfast meals this is packaged on a white box with a beautiful image of the product show how ‘Fresh’ is bringing your breakfast by 7 Eleven and sometimes you forget that you shouldn’t have high expectations for it.

Garlic Fried Rice with Egg

When you open the box it comes to no surprise that the photo in the package is not the same as the actual product. It happens to most of the food you have hoped for, and rarely it captures the same essence as the same moment you first saw the product from 7 Eleven’s shelf and decided to get it.

This meal should be Garlic Fried Rice with Egg than a Chicken Tocino named in the product, and feel a little bit down to see how the Tocino is in tiny portions rather than filling its side of the box that has filled up with the Garlic Fried Rice.

Overall it was the obvious look how the Chicken Tocino did not pan out not because of quality, but with the portions to how they should have balance it. Sometimes quality suffers when quantity doesn’t work with the latter.

It had quality in the packaging with all the image, but the product suffered because they’re trying to fit it with their budget cost and affordability. They could have made this as a premium breakfast instead of scrimping on the Tocino.

  • Food Quality: 3 out of 5
  • Affordability: B-
  • Overall: Quality and Quantity suffered trying to fit it as a budget meal.

Breakfast: Chicken Tocino | Retailed at: ₱ 79.00 Pesos [$ 2.14 AUD | $ 1.34 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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