16 August 2022

7 Eleven Fresh | K-Style Egg Drop Sandwich

There are more than ways to have a sandwich, and also a lot of version and concepts that’s out there. 7 Eleven rolled out their K-Style themed sandwiches to most consumers the K-Style Plant-Based Chicken Burger was not the one that’s flying off their shelf. But the Egg-Drop Sandwich that’s turning up some heads for this chunkywich.

Filipinos like anything Korean these days, from BTS to K-Drama and everything that is Korean. With that businesses locally are following suit. Some even use Korean personalities in their advertisements. With 7 Eleven, it is about slowly getting into the K-Culture through their exclusively produced food.

There are only three K-Style Snacks that they offered, but in a matter of quickness the K-Style Garlic Cream Cheese Bun and Egg-Drop Sandwich are nowhere to be found in most of their stores. It attest to the locals getting into everything Korean and leaving the K-Style Plant=Based Chicken Burger as the least favourite.

You can find the burger almost every store, but the other two have been rarely sighted. Well, until now there was one Egg-Drop Sandwich sitting on their shelf along with two Garlic Cream Cheese Bun that looks like keeping the multiple Chicken Burger company.

Dropping Like an Egg

The package alone can show the sheer size and portion of how chunky looking this Egg-Drop Sandwich would pass up as a snack. It is considered a lunch meal for sure. But as an afternoon snack you got a heavy one right here in the form of a sandwich that’s not purely perfect but fills up your tummy.

The wrapping shows how it is bigger than both the Garlic Cream Cheese Bun and Meatless Chicken Burger. You’d be a connoisseur to know more about an Egg-Drop Sandwich. But for the casual munching kind this is quite a sandwich to have.

Creamy Goodness Surprise

For the large egg seasoned with goodness wrapped with a thick ham this egg-drop sandwich did not disappoint. It was quite surprising to know there was A LOT of creamy filling at the bottom. It looked like mayo but it is not, which is something you won’t find out until you made it to the edge.

This was one of the rare things 7 Eleven made that is good, and the price was just about right. This is the reason why it is always sold out because everyone want to have a second time with this sandwich that is something worthy to find.

Overall if you’re not up to have the usual rice meal and looking for just about the right food for the lunch time this K-Style Egg-Drop Sandwich is worth the find, and it is one chunkywich that you must have at least for once and never miss out as this might be for a limited time offer.

  • Food Quality: 4 out of 5
  • Affordability: B+
  • Overall: Chunky Sandwich that's ham and egg with creamy filling on the bottom. So Good.

K-Style Egg-Drop Sandwich | Retailed at: ₱ 85.00 Pesos [$ 2.17 AUD | $ 1.52 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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