05 September 2022

Foodie Spotlight | McDonald's Big Mac

When you talk about a fast food brand, the first thing comes to mind is its flagship menu and with that its signature burger or meal. McDonald’s have so many of that, but the first thing on their minds is not the Big Mac. Despite being the original creation that has been around for a long time.

The Big Mac is arguably one of the most familiar burgers that’s about as McDonald’s can be, which even for a time had a mascot named Officer Big Mac (1970-2008) as one of the denizens of McDonaldland. The name itself gives you an idea that it is McDonald’s premium burgers that continue being served globally to millions, and yet in some countries it gets that kind of notice.

You can say the Big Mac in the Philippines is underappreciated due to the cultures preference with having rice meals. Because majority of excuse and reason is you won’t get full having just a burger despite its double decked buns and patties. It’s one aspect of the culture’s narrow mindset.

But anywhere in the world, you get a Big Mac that fulfills everyone’s day. It is a heavy sandwich to have being a double decked burger with an extra bun in the middle and two patties that is more than just having it as lunch. It is the usual McDonald’s signature hamburger (not the Filipino-made Burger McDo) with an extra bun and two patties topped with A LOT of shredded lettuce and a couple of pickles rested below is a slice of that thin square cheese.

Medium Mac

Over the years if you haven’t had a Big Mac in another country you won’t entirely notice it, but the Big Mac in the Philippines just happen to be small using the regular hamburger bun as oppose to the bigger burgers that has the same diameter as Burger King’s Whopper. It is not as “big” as you have known that makes it obvious.

Even if you compare the images here with the Chicken Big Mac from Maccas it is really that “Medium Mac” that’s not even taking up space. Unless if you have heard of the Grand Big Mac (also in Australia) that’s is considered as ginormous.

Burger Perspective

But you can’t blame for the shrunken size portion for its noticeable size for being a “small mac” it is also the lack of popularity for a country that eats rice three times a day in a week. The mentality that rice is the only thing you want to have to be full is obviously absurd when a Big Mac can even surpass that.

Culturally, this notion of having a sandwich won’t make you full should just stop like a jeepney not getting a modern upgrade is until the wheels comes off to the point of redundancy should end there. The Big Mac certainly should get some roses as one of McDonald’s popular burgers that deserves that kind of spotlight.

Overall the version produced by McDonald’s in the Philippines is really that small when you compare it to another country there’s three size types of Big Mac and even a Chicken Big Mac for an alternative from the beef patties. Unfortunately, they (McDo Philippines) still based it on reception and popularity that not even test the alternatives for this market shows the lack of effort to even let people have to try new things is obvious a stingy move.

  • Food Quality: 4 out of 5
  • Affordability: B-
  • Overall: A "Medium Mac" with no alternative versions of this burger in need of hope.

McDonald's Big Mac (Solo) | Retailed at: ₱ 150.00 Pesos [$ 3.89 AUD | $ 2.64 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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