08 September 2022

Foodie Spotlight | Pepperoni Bacon Whopper

Burger King is literally is king of the burgers when its size portions pertaining the Whopper it is considered a heavy meal or a king-size treat. But a simple burger just don’t stay the same with its original flavour this has to expand and continue to be relevant, which is why they have its sub-premium meal with the King Size Specials.

There are four King-Size Craving for its Philippine market, and this is considered their premium Whopper burgers. Of course, they come in the standard Whopper and Junior meals. But for those unware and have not enough budget they can also just take home the burger solo without the fries and drinks. This is where the Pepperoni Bacon Whopper gets its spotlight.

The Whopper has many competition, but since Burger King is a franchise owned by local brand Jollibee it can be considered the Champ Burger’s cousin. The main competitor is McDonald’s Filipino-size version of the Big Mac, which is considered the same size as the Whopper Jr. that only has an extra bun and patty. Talk about downsizing for to cater for the locals.

But Burger King is definitely not going to cater to shrink itself to please the locals, which is doing the opposite. They’re giving sizable options with their King Specials that include the Pepperoni Bacon Whopper that’s considered a second level tier from the Mushroom Swiss Whopper that’s a star up on their premium set.

Beefy Bacon Bully

When you order a Pepperoni Bacon Whopper it is considered a bully burger. The enormous size and its ingredients may not be second to none, but it is built as a cheat day burger for the healthy buff. The word “Bacon” in it would be denied or be ignored for its identity. It is a monster burger if you compare it to its other King Specials and the product photo makes you want think twice.

But in all honestly, there’s nothing wrong of the difference from product photo to the real thing when you receive it wrapped on its signature Whopper branding. It is a hefty burger packing a lot of kilojoules that you need to burn it up after you have had a heavy meal or not take that dinner anymore.

A Mountain to Climb

Due to its size portion it feels like you’re climbing a steep mountain just to catch your breath when you devour this beefy excuse of a burger. There’s so many flavours that gives so much distractions, and if you’re not a heavy eater you would consider taking a breather halfway to the burger itself.

It is a one-time experience to have it your way, but not advisable for every day. The thick patty with ham, bacon, onions, and tomatoes with a dash of lettuce is surely not Mount Everest. But it is a beef busting lunch that would keep your tummy grinding it out for the rest of the day that’s quite the beauty about this charge up Whopper.

Overall it is a lunch for two if you are not a heavy eater. It’s twice the size that can give Australia’s Maccas’ Grand Big Mac some serious burger size portion challenge. It is BK’s premium Whopper that are looking for some King-Size hunger to fulfill. IT is not for everyone considering being a burger for two people or for one hungry person who hasn't had a meal all day.

  • Food Quality: 4 out of 5
  • Affordability: B-
  • Overall: It's a Whopper with Pepperoni & BAcon.

Pepperoni Bacon Whopper (Solo) | Retailed at: ₱ 230.00 Pesos [$ 5.99 AUD | $ 4.03 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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