15 April 2024

Big Time Meals | Chicken Satay

7-Elven continues to roll out new ideas and a diverse selection for its ever-growing menu of rice meals. This year is also their fortieth anniversary in the Philippines, and the celebration continues by unveiling an expansion for their Big Time Meals brand that has been a staple in everyone's palette. This anniversary year certainly is a hit with thew locla consumers that most of the dish is always sold out.

The flavours of Thailand are a set of dishes inspired by and some based on its country’s origin. They have four dishes ranging from snacks to lunch meals. The two main rice meals have been popular with Chicken Pandan and today’s featured dish with the Chicken Satay that’s looks flavourful.

The Chicken Satay is a popular dish that originated in Thailand and is known as a Street Food favourite. Its marinated meat is grilled on skewers and served with a peanut sauce dip. Chicken Satay is prepared using chicken marinated in a mixture of lime, honey, soy sauce, curry powder, smooth peanut butter, and coconut.

This is considered a National Dish in Indonesia and widely known all over the region. Satay is a staple in Indonesian cuisine, served everywhere from street carts to fine dining establishments, as well as in homes and at public gatherings. There are other variations in Southeast Asia, but this version that 7-Eleven has produced for their Big Time Meals is the most popularly known from Indonesia.

Product Identity & Cooking Directions

Like most of the Big Time Meals, they are packaged in a black tray covered by a vacuum-sealed plastic top. With the start of 2024, most of the newly released dishes under the Big Time Meals come with colourful graphics with bold letters, and it is evident with the previous meals like the Chicken Inasal and Sinigang na Bangus, the Chicken Satay comes with bright colours with the Indonesian flag art.

You can see through the plastic window that three skewered Chicken Satay is resting there. But when you rip open the top you will see the rice with the tiny peanut dipping sauce stored in a plastic container. The directions for heating it using a microwave vary on the unit’s watts and how many seconds it gets cooked.

Satay is Served and Dipped

The budget meal shows it only has three-skewered Chicken Satay, and why the dipping sauce was not enough for the dish. Also, the rice looks a bit thin not even filled up the tray like the previous Big Time Meals dishes that were presented before. But then you point out the price point in what 7-Eleven is trying to do with the product, which targets the masses who were on the go for something different.

It is still a good meal, but this still moves out of the shelf. But not like the Chicken Pandan that disappears upon being stocked. The product is relatively new and has been a hot seller since its availability at the start of the month.

Overall, despite being a little underwhelming it served a lot of consumers buying this one off the shelf upon its release. Most of the “Flavours of Thailand” is sold out and it continue to get a lot of fanfare because it tastes so good with or without the peanut dipping sauce. But the crucial part of it is the dip and the lack of not being filled up to its tiny container was a missed opportunity.

It also makes sense why the dish was not as abundant as you have hoped for, because of the budget they are trying to achieve for everyone to afford a chance to have the experience of having a Chicken Satay even for a quick lunch. It is still a winner compared to what other convenience stores put on their menu it is a forgettable and not-so-good experience.

  • Food Quality: 3 out of 5
  • Affordability: B-
  • Overall: Not enough Satay or Peanut Dip for that full experience.

Chicken Inasal | Retailed at: ₱ 119.00 Pesos [$ 3.24 AUD | $ 2.09 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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