14 August 2022

Foodie Spotlight | Popeye's Chicken Burger

There Chicken sandwiches as the Chicken Wars continue to get other food establishments into the band wagon Popeye’s has ignited this since opening its Philippines stores back in 2019. They presented not one, two or three variations of what they have to offer in their menu, but have something for you to choose from.

If you’re quite on a budget they have one for you to try in their menu, and that is the Chicken Burger. The very basic chicken sandwich they have behind the US Spicy and the French Chicken Quarter. The other non-chicken sandwich they have is the Fish Burger, but right now all you need to try and take a look at is their most basic sandwich in the Chicken Burger.

Most locals would gravitate to Popeye’s plethora of rice meals that has “Chicken” in them from the basic to the tenders, and also includes their buckets that can serve a family or a group. Their sandwiches became a bigger part of their menu as popular in other countries that has Popeye’s stores.

It really depends on the country and culture what makes Popeye’s popular nowadays, and yet in the Philippines their sandwiches are not as beloved as the ones that being offered with rice in the menu.

Chciken Burger

The least most pricey sandwich is their basic Chicken Burger. It is straight forward the way it is presented that is mostly a starter offering for those who have never even dined or have takeout food from Popeye’s

There’s nothing in the bun aside from that boneless chicken breast with a spread of sauces to add flavour to the very simple sandwich that they call a “Chicken Burger.” It is the most underappreciated sandwich among the four that you see in the store.

Make it a Meal

It is a simple sandwich that needs to be complimented by their home style chips/fries and a drink that depends on your preference if it is a soda flavoured or ice tea. The sandwich alone as a solo looks a bit sad when you just want the Chicken Burger.

But with the compliment into a meal it makes it more appreciated unlike its premium and pricier sandwiches that can hold on its own this one is so simple it needs something for you to appreciate it due to the size portion and simplicity.

Overall not the most impressive but straight forward simple sandwich for new customers to try it out before jumping into the other flavourful Chicken sandwiches that can be had as a solo without the need to compliment it with a fries or drink. But this Chicken Burger is just good enough as a snack and yet it needed to be a meal.

  • Food Quality: 3 out of 5
  • Affordability: B+
  • Overall: Too simple not as a solo sandiwch that needs to be complimented with fries and drink

Popeyes's Chicken Burger (Meal) | Retailed at: ₱ 109.00 Pesos [$ 2.76 AUD | $ 1.95 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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