08 July 2022

Wendy's Greenbelt | Slow but Good Service

The dine-in experience is quite different when you’ve been stuck ordering online, and not having the human interaction that has slowly settled in for most people that have gotten used to having their meal in the close confines of their homes. It’s not the same for those who would cherish seeing random individuals entering the restaurant.

With Wendy’s in Greenbelt, they’ve been busy especially on a Friday night. There are other food establishments nearby, but nothing like an American burger joint to have the usual dine-in experience before going around the shopping centre. Personally, it’s rare to have dinner out though this is just another rare occasion to appreciate the opportunity that presented since it’s been a while having a good meal.

There’s something about crowded spaces that most people are not settled with, and would rather prefer to have the meal on take away. This time around, dinner time is just about to start as queuing to get an order at Wendy’s is not like a walk in the park.

But the experience is not as not that worse, and it just so happens it was the timing of people lining up has been quite difficult for others to line up properly than bunching up in a group like you thought it was really a long line of people.

  • Slow Service
  • Messy Tables
  • Whatta Meal

Slow Service

For those who are unaware, this Wendy’s branch in Greenbelt might probably the older branch in Makati City outlasting the one in the former Park Square I. This branch had so many facelift and renovation going back to the 1990s that it is considered a living relic from that era.

But that doesn’t mean Wendy’s staff can rest their laurels and call them experts as no staff would last this long to even be a resident as for the reason you can’t just be too relaxed and say ‘they know what they’re doing’ and expect service to be perfection.

But in all honesty, this Wendy’s store branch in not perfect in how they manage customer expectation, and on this night they’re really that busy having one open cashier is not going to cut it as they just opened the second one though not enough to wait more than 10 minutes to have a decent meal.

Messy Tables

With ‘All-Hands on Deck” that doesn’t mean you leave your tables uncleaned? This is also why you need the customers to responsible too for them to “Clean as You Go” after you’re done eating. But the Filipino Mentality and entitlement is a face palm moment Wendy’s need to put a sign “CLEAN AS YOU GO” in bold large letters for them to understand no one’s gonna clean up after them.

This is the part not Wendy’s fault, but needs to interact with the customers when it comes to cleaning up their leftover rubbish. It’s great to have a decent meal, but it is also awesome to be MINDFUL about being responsible in not expect a staff to clean your mess but to have an initiative that’s missing in this society.

Whatta Meal

The Whattabox Meal is Wendy’s popular set, and it is not placed on their signature ‘box’ and it was set in red plastic basket plate. There’s nothing wrong about it, but maybe they ran out of those or trying to reduce their carbon foot print to avoid putting more of the disposable boxes for this cutting cost down is understandable.

The Whattabox meal has handful of selections, and this one is the Bacon Mushroom Melt set with four chicken nuggets, fries, and frosty ice cream. This also come with a soda, but the main meal is the BMM that’s been one of their flagship sandwiches.

Everything on this set was just right despite the long wait for it to be served. It’s a rare occasion to really dine out and have a well meaningful dine-in experience. This one was just fine as most people that lined up were having theirs on a take away.

On the last note, with all that’s going around the store you can see that if McDonald’s was a car, and everyone riding on it pushing to their limits until the wheels comes off. The store appear to be like that, and the problem is not entirely McDonald’s fault per se, it is also the customers who dined there.

The lack of being mindful about taking their empty plates and trash could have at least put it in the tray that came with it. This would be extra helpful for the staff. But I see people not being conscious enough about their behavior in public that they are entitled thinking someone would pick up their poop for them.

This is the problem with Filipino society post-pandemic, like everyone needs to be served. Everyone needs to ‘feel important’ that maybe McDonald’s should put something like CLEAN AS YOU GO, you can deposit your empty plates and other leftovers in one section not to burden the staff too much, and that just happened here.

  • Branch: Wendy's Greenbelt
  • Customer Service: A
  • Food Quality: 8/10
  • Overall: Slow service, but accurately good listeners. Make customers CLEAN AS YOU GO.

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