13 January 2022

Foodie Spotlight | KFC Zinger Sandwich

KFC is a global brand despite being founded in Louisville, Kentucky. All over the world KFC varied being for the good stuff and the not-so impressive way how they’ve come up with their product. In the 1980s, KFC opened its doors in the Philippines and has established itself as a popular chicken joint.

But over the years it slowly started to decline hashing up the usual generic rice meals “what they think would sell” to coming up with unique limited time only products. The one thing they haven’t looked at themselves is daring to challenge the Filipino taste with something different, but instead they let things slide not having any other sandwich but a random chicken burger and a Zinger.

The decline in their products also reflects the quality of service they provide as the staff in one of the stores has been robotic. The enthusiasm when you step into a KFC branch is a dead beat of just going into a routine of placing an order, and getting the product is a sad state of the way the local owners and franchisers has lost touch of the core value of the brand itself.

You may not have experience dining in a KFC in Singapore, but the same way it does felt like their just a random generic fast food restaurant. But when you try to have that dining experience in South Australia its WAY BETTER with better choices in their menu that kept them relevant. But their Asian counterparts are a bit lagging behind competition. The Philippines, of course is seriously declining like it’s just a cash grab than what is KFC for the country trying to appease Filipino taste when they can influence them better than just reduce themselves into this sad state is quite a shame.

The Zinger is their flagship sandwich and it should be the flaming hot commodity that would keep them relevant in competing with other fast food restos that offer their version of a chicken sandwich. Sadly, they don’t have Chicken Tenders to compliment that choice of options in their menu. The rest is a generic sad sack of a rice meal that has lack of what their core identity used to be.

This Zinger back then was revered like it was the only thing that put the Jollibee and McDonald’s on notice. But with Popeye’s stepping in the ring this sandwich is bland with mayo and chopped lettuce is a sorry state lost its touch and identity that made them a global brand over the years. They have no answer to the later competitor that showed not only quality of their product but also how they treat their customers.

Overall this Zinger is just a shell of its former self with no flavor and had to put Sriracha sauce to have a spicy kick when back in the day it was burning on your tongue before you even have to finish it. Customer Service is lacking and does not communicate with their customers well when asked directly. They need to be re-trained on how they speak to their customer than just giving those looks.

  • Food Quality: 2/5
  • Branch: KFC Vito Cruz Extension
  • Customer Service: D-
  • Overall: Needs a Serious Look at their Brand and Core Values

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