12 January 2022

Foodie Spotlight | Popeye's US Spicy Sandwich

The Chicken Sandwich Wars has been brewing in the last five years in America as outside of it the culture is different varies from other countries. In the Philippines, it is gaining interest when Popeye’s returned to the country in 2019, and this was not the first time the Louisiana-based restaurant opened its doors in Asia.

They’ve been in select parts of Asia in the early 2000s and slowly shuttered their doors. But with Popeye’s they’ve been on a roll opening branches despite the pandemic in March 2020. The strong craving for chicken sandwich has re-ignited that the competition is up and we take a closer look at their flagship sandwich.

There’s a plateful of sandwiches Popeye’s is offering in their menu ranging from Chicken, Shrimp, and Fish to give that vibe that they test the market for that Louisiana flavor can give Filipinos that interest that they haven’t seen outside beef burgers and why the Chicken Sandwich Wars is a benefit for everyone.

Without going through the nitty gritty, Popeye’s U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich is their popular product followed by the Chicken French Quarter Sandwich. For casual Filipinos they can be influenced better for offering these options rather than sticking to the generic Filipino rice meals, which Popeye’s have added in their menu to, localized their cuisine. But their core identity is what makes them relevant and popular in the Philippines because they kept that by having these sandwiches.

The U.S. Spicy Chicken is a treat and a threat to other competing restaurants that makes the customers the winners in this chicken sandwich wars. This sandwich is no pushover and continues to maintain its quality of crunchy-ness and keeping the price affordable despite having minor increase in some of their product in late December.

Overall it’s a great that Popeye’s has been around in the past two years in the Philippines good quality with their sandwiches at the same time maintaining the level of quality in their customer service that none of the others take value of. This sandwich will definitely feed your fire more than ever!

  • Food Quality: 4/5
  • Branch: Popeye's Kroma Tower
  • Customer Service: C-
  • Verdict: Consistent Food Quality. Customer Service need to be genuine and not too scripted to the point of annoyance.

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