So what does anyone had to do with it with the local McDonald’s in the grips of keeping the well-hated Burger McDo? For starters what was not good about it is the dressing that they say is a “Filipino Flavor” when it tastes like a staled salad dressing with that horrible tangy that leaves your tongue in need to dilute it with water.
Filipinos don’t have an option to have better choices as McDonald’s in the Philippines is obviously stingy with offerings ‘trying hard to appeal’ to the local markets when there’s none of it, which is only concocted to influence society that this is affordable more than what quantity can give.

McFry What?!
For those collecting Happy Meal toys and other promos there’s no option for the cheapest thing other than the Burger McDo. Ever since coming back here the choices on McDonald’s menu has been the absolute worse. But there’s no way getting around it but find re-invention no matter how ludicrous.
Most who buy the basic Happy Meal with the Burger McDo end up either being given away or thrown out on the rubbish bin. Because nobody can last long eating this sandwich alone as far back when the 101 Dalmatians collectibles came out nobody wants it, and there was an option to swap this hideous Burger McDo for the Hamburger until they discontinued that to keep this localized sandwich.
The patty itself is different from the McClassic Hamburger the lowest kind of quality taste. There wasn’t an option to switch it up with the McClassic Cheeseburger so to have a different burger inventing one with a “McFry Burger” to have an alternative to the common distasteful sandwich.

No Dressing Burger + Fries
When you order a basic Happy Meal its PHP 90.00 Pesos ($ 1.76 USD | $2.52 AUD**) consists of a Burger McDo and a drink without the regular Fries that would become PHP 110.00 Pesos ($2.15 USD | $3.08 AUD**). Some McDonald’s store charge the basic meal with an extra PHP 2.00 Pesos ($0.039 USD | $0.056 AUD**) since some of them are franchised owned.
To make a “McFry Burger” you need the basic Burger McDo WITHOUT THE DRESSING just completely blank. Of course, you inspect for it if this was newly cooked but there’s no concern for a burger sitting there for a few hours it’s best to get a fresh one and you need a regular fries with two ketchup packets.
The quick uninspiring way to make an alternative out of the usual Burger McDo is you put a layer of fries on the lower part of the sandwich with ketchup and then the dried Burger McDo patty followed by another layer of fries squeezing that ketchup packet and voila instant “McFry Burger” to turn into something different.
Overall the ketchup and fries makes the burger patty have a different taste since it is dry without the dressing. But it is an alternative since McDonald’s won’t let you have the choice to switch it up or even add a few pesos for a Cheeseburger instead.
In other countries the basic Happy Meal is with a Cheeseburger since the localized food they have has nothing to do with changing the McClassic to McWorse it is only in the Philippines they try to shove it to the Filipino nation’s throats that they think it’s a seller when reality is majority of those who dine-in doesn’t like it. So there’s no going around it but re-invent it with what they have to offer.
Honestly, they don’t even have calorie count indicated in their menu or even other fast food restaurants. But that’s another discussion for the time being with this alternative it is just an idea not suggesting you try it too, but it works to find this an idea to have an option McDonald’s won’t even suggest.

Staff Commendation
Although she doesn’t have her nametag on her uniform this staff deserve a commendation for being under pressure and courteous. She knows what her customers want and finishes with a sentence without batting an eyelash.
It is VERY RARE to find staffs who keep them on their toes. The ratio to end up with a good staff at any McDonald’s outlet is 1 out of 10, which depends also on a day when the volume of customers starts lining up. It is different in the Philippine in comparison to other countries that are really more patient and level headed.
This staff member deserves a pat at the back even though not getting her name that this branch deserves not those who have attitude issues that just work there. So if you ever see her serving you this one’s a keeper in this store. Well Done.
** - Currency Conventer via
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