25 August 2022

Foodie Spotlight | Subway Slice Chicken

Sandwiches and Subs are still not entirely accepted by a rice consuming population in the Philippines, and most say you can never get full from a bread. But in this day and age there are a growing health conscious community out there that would be conscious, and Mindful about what they consume at the same time try to stay healthy.

Majority who are used to the same thing would scoff at that kind of thought, but at the end of the day it is about choices in eating right and making sure you have the proper mindset in what you really want in the confines of your usual diet. With that said Subway has given that part of the answer, and their wide range of subs give you that option to customize the meal you want like this Slice Chicken on their menu.

There’s not much to discuss about Subway’s list of menu as they position themselves to be the establishment that support being health conscious with the product they have. It is quite remarkable despite many competition they still manage to keep themselves in their lane to continue providing unique list of sandwiches.

It is a daunting challenge for them to sustain that growth at the same time experimenting in limited time offered sandwich like the Chicken Katsu Curry or offering other types of meal aside from their world renowned sandwiches like wraps or breakfast sandwiches that is tailor made for the day.

Chicken Sub all the Way

Subway’s Sliced Chicken is one of those underrated subs on their menu. When they’re making it for you there’s no actual chicken being put in the sandwich, but a chicken flavoured ham that you definitely see it as they prepare the product from stage one up to the part you are already paying for it.

It’s no surprise that their slice chicken comes in the form of a ham, and they say as it is named. They sliced them in thin servings and then have to put cheese on top then proceeds to the oven for a minute. You get to choose the veggies in and you have the option which ones you don’t like.

Veggies, Sauce, and All

You take a peek inside the sub and you see a splash of colourful veggies they have put on your bread. The tomatoes certainly brings out the vibrant matching with the greens with some olives on the side. Taking a bite it just makes you forget that this is a Sliced Chicken flavour sub, but it also gives you recall having a Veggie Delite.

For this sub, Wheat was the bread and it was just fine to have that choice among the four types to house the veggies to you meal. There’s nothing spectacular about it, though it is one of the best flavours Subway has in their long list on their menu.

Overall the Overall the Subway® Sliced Chicken is not as popular as you expect, but passable to be something to have any day if you don’t have any idea what to have for lunch and it has the same flavours as your average Veggie DeLite only this time it’s a chicken flavoured sub with the same crunch. .

  • Food Quality: 4.0 out of 5
  • Affordability: B+
  • Overall: Mozzarella Cheese is what they have when they prepared this.

Subway® Sliced Chicken (6-Inch) | Retailed at: ₱ 125.00 Pesos [$ 3.20 AUD | $ 2.23 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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