26 May 2022

McDo Circuit Makati | Battered Service

It has been two years since the pandemic that things are slowly getting back to ‘normal,’ which is whatever that meant to you. But since the last quarter of 2021 establishments have been consciously and carefully try to re-establish the dine-in experience that also makes sure safety will always be the top priority.

McDonald’s is one of those establishments that have slowly made the dining experience despite keeping strict protocols and making sure everyone had the best experience in dining at the store. But for some it is still a very cautious way to have that experience again, and if you do make the most of it and be always mindful.

Rarely, dining in is something to have as not everyone has gotten used to the crowded space. It is still something we humans need to have, which interacting with others and be the company of one another. But sometimes the problem is not about the place that everyone go to, but the people and their behavior that gives the reason ‘this is why we don’t get beautiful things’ due to most taking so much advantage of it.

Though it may sound off the topic it connects to how McDonald’s is trying its best to keep their stores consistent with the protocols and sometimes made them stretched themselves too thin, because majority of the customers are unconscious to even know how to be mindful when they are in the public space.

  • NxtGEN Offline
  • Early Cleanup before Closing
  • Overcooked/Undercooked Meal

NxtGEn Offline

It was nearly the tail end of another dat at McDonald’s if you’re the staff employee, and people are still standing in line to have dinner. Of course, at this this time there was a heavy downpour that prevented most people to leave the shopping centre, and some would decide to have their dinner at McDonald’s.

You can see the long line due to the Digital Menu Board aka NxtGEN is down, and then you noticed how one staff is operating the cashier that made a lot of sense. At the same time you can also see how the staff is stretched to their limits in appearing to be undermanned in the kitchen like they’re just trying to get things done.

It’s not the most impressive thing to see how the Digital Menu Board is offline. The area appears in chaos when you look at it. But the lady at the cashier was like in the battlefield that deserve commendation for holding the fort while maintaining quality customer service and that is a rarity right there.

Early Cleanup before Closing

Here’s the thing, the McDo Circuit Makati store is small that it does not have a huge floor space, and it’s not yet 9 PM though understandable that cleanup is already commenced by one person. You can see this staff member already cleaning up the area and it is also understandable that they are only allowed clean up within the store’s allotted time not to go overtime.

But people are still lining up and all the tables are occupied? It’s a head scratcher if you have seen other countries when a McDonald’s store like in Australia would have this certain ‘grace period’ to let their customers have that dining experience despite an hour before closing time. Of course, the culture in the Philippines these days are a head-scratcher that these store close up a few minutes even before the actual closing.

There seems to be a cut-off time for customers to be reminded about their store policy regarding closing. You just have to give them that message politely and straight-to-the point than just buttering up to produce unnecessary Filipino drama.

Overcooked/Undercooked Meal

The McDo Chicken meal that I got was not the most intagram-able getting a chicken leg part, and it was almost past 8 PM. The staff was on their limit and yet still fail on the food serving part when they randomly give you a chicken that’s partially burned and its inner white meat you can see slight uncooked.

Of course, I don’t want to complain and time is imperative. They’re on the tail end of another work day shift and people are still lining up. If this was in the middle of the day and not near the closing time I’d probably have a word with the manager.

The complaint will be addressed through McDo Listens.

On the last note, with all that’s going around the store you can see that if McDonald’s was a car, and everyone riding on it pushing to their limits until the wheels comes off. The store appear to be like that, and the problem is not entirely McDonald’s fault per se, it is also the customers who dined there.

The lack of being mindful about taking their empty plates and trash could have at least put it in the tray that came with it. This would be extra helpful for the staff. But I see people not being conscious enough about their behavior in public that they are entitled thinking someone would pick up their poop for them.

This is the problem with Filipino society post-pandemic, like everyone needs to be served. Everyone needs to ‘feel important’ that maybe McDonald’s should put something like CLEAN AS YOU GO, you can deposit your empty plates and other leftovers in one section not to burden the staff too much, and that just happened here.

  • Branch: McDonald’s Circuit Makati
  • Customer Service: B+
  • Food Quality: 4/10
  • Overall: Well-Oiled Beat-up Store, but food was underwhelming

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