25 May 2022

Foodie Spotlight | McDo Burger Meal

McDonald’s is famous for the Billions of hamburgers served all over the world, since its founding this made the company popular and expand outside the US. But of course, with all the expansion each McDonald’s is taking their identity trying to localize their menu to suit whatever country they have opened their stores.

In the Philippines, they could be the most popular fast food restaurant until a bee dressed in a suit and a chef hat stood in front of their domination. This is why McDo has to compete by localizing their menu to suit the Filipino Class A-to-E. They did changed and tried, but sometimes you don’t need to change your hamburger for it.

By the early 1990s, McDonald’s have slowly tried to please and localize their menu to the point some of their originals disappeared from their list of food in favour of the local versions. This include the famous hamburger that made them known replaced by localizing and downgraded a version that they currently called “Burger McDo.”

The taste of the original hamburger by McDonald’s doesn’t suit all locals, but they don’t need to remove it from their menu. It could be best if they kept as part of their ‘secret menu” an optional if you missed it. Instead of removing it entirely from its existence it should still be there.

Not-so Hamburger

If Hamburglar has his say he would rather steal cheeseburgers than a Burger McDo. The burger itself is palpable to the point with the flavour of the patty and the dressing they use is certainly not what McDonald’s stand for when it first arrived and open its doors in the Philippines. It is understandable why they need to change and compete with a certain bee that put them on the number two spot.

The spotlight here is the Burger McDo, the fries were featured before along with the drink. Its focus on the Burger McDo why it tries so hard to be accepted, when they have the original hamburger. Usually, the dressing itself is why the taste is not the most memorable thing followed by the patty and good thing they allow you to grant the request not having the dressing and leaving it just the buns and a sauce-less patty.

Sprucing it up

Whenever ordering a Burger McDo Happy Meal, instead having the burger given away or thrown out, because you can’t buy the Happy Meal toy separately just think of things you can do to ‘spruce up’ something unimaginable to your taste.

Of cource, whatever’s in the fridge is a thing of wonder to add something and make it your own. McDonald’s in Australia has this option to personalize your sandwich, which you need to add to pay for the premium. But that option is not available in the Philippines you just simply come up with something.

Seriously, not the most defiantly good idea comes to mind but it is way better than having a common Burger McDo any day.

Overall there’s a fine line how you localize a product and at the same time not everyone would like that kind of version. There’s a saying don’t need to fix it when it’s broken. Just improve on it or add an option to keep what was there before, you don’t need discontinue a legacy product and replaced with something majority would like it and that for the reason Burger McDo can’t replace the original Hamburger.

  • Food Quality: 2 out of 5
  • Affordability: C-
  • Overall: Burger McDo is a trying hard to be local kind of food.
  • Customer Service: Follows instructions and ask questions, which is good.

Burger McDo Meal | Retailed at: ₱ 118.00 Pesos [$ 3.18 AUD | $ 2.26 USD]**

** - Currency Converter via Google.com

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