Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Breakfast with a Purple Thumb.

02.16.2010 - The election is fast approaching and you have to make the right decision.

Yahoo! Purple Thumb was the latest campaign to promote your right to vote.

During the event they served a breakfast eye candy.
Jump after the cut...

Though I'm no food expert just wanting to sahre you something for you all to relish. Interesting servings Hotel Intercontinenal has. I was on my way home when a colleague happens to be heading to the direction where I'm taking a ride home.

Invitation was right as time is not a problem to stay for a while, and see what's the campaign was all about.

Upon arriving and getting everything done we sat and had breakfast. A heavy one to fill up the rough calls from last night. Capturing these images where just second nature now, but when you look at it again after devouring everything you felt the hunger all over again... Or so I was mistaken...

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